Earth's population is too large, and is threatening the livelihood of the universe! There is only one thing left to do...

Join Blip and Blop as they erase all humans (or at least 87.5% of them) to save the galaxy. Use your tractor beam by pressing space! The slider indicates how many humans you have left to kill. Charming, isn't it?

This was made for the GMTK Game Jam 2020!

Turn on sound for best experience!


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I think I've found a bug or something, after the screen goes red (7m11s) received an error and the game just stopped.
Cool concept, liked the idea of slowing down when holding the laser, makes you want go less spamming. Also, the voice is a nice touch, congratulations!

That being said, I do think it's too lenghty for the repetitive gameplay